Real Estate

2022 Ultra-Luxury Report Recap

2022 Ultra-Luxury Report Recap

The Luxury Division at Compass recently published its report for 2022. This annual Ultra-Luxury Report highlights properties selling for $10M+. Whether you’re actively searching for your dream home or just want to enjoy dreaming, it’s worth browsing through the report. (If nothing else, you can take a peek at some truly stunning properties.)

High Demand for the High Life

High Demand for the High Life

Are you the kind of person who dips a toe in the water before taking the plunge? Or do you cannonball off the high dive, trusting that the water's fine? If you like to look before you leap, you might want to read about current market trends directly impacting luxury homes. Surprise, surprise, there is high demand for the high life.

4 Reasons Your Property Portfolio Needs to Include Hawaii 

4 Reasons Your Property Portfolio Needs to Include Hawaii 

Everyone remembers the first time they visited Hawaii. But why confine all that beauty to the pages of a photo album? Why not add it to your property portfolio instead? Photographs fade (or get lost in the Cloud), but land, as they say, is the only thing that lasts. Read on to learn three reasons your property portfolio needs to include Hawaii.

If You Want to Sell, Pricing Matters

If You Want to Sell, Pricing Matters

When you go to sell your house, you always want the highest price. But you can’t just list your house for some crazy amount. That’s a good way to scare off potential buyers. Even though it’s a seller’s market and 46% of homes are selling for above list price, the best sales tactic is proper house pricing. Here’s what you need to know to sell your house without leaving money on the table.